Hot Busty Models Update Archive
Welcome to my Hot Busty Models Changelog. Here, you will be able to see what I’ve been up to and experience this place being built. Our online Busty network of Big Tit Directories is vast. We will not stop until we’ve indexed all of the big tit baes on the net.
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
Summer 2024 / September 8 – GHey all just doing some updates, hope you are all well. Fall is coming, woot!
Summer 2024 / July 24 – Good afternoon peeps, i’m just kicking the tires as it were. The old sidebar preview took lots of resources and the new one which I replaced it with is much smaller in size and speeds this busty directory up. If you’ve surfed me for years, you may recognize it 🙂
Spring 2024 / June 7 – Hey all, oh just over here, kicking the tires as it were. I hope you are all warm, loved and safe, peeps!
Spring 2024 / April 24 – Changing versions and branding this evening. Making sure the creators are still online, updating portfolio’s here and there, etc.
Spring 2024 / April 12 – Good morning everyone!
Winter 2024 / March 16 – Good afternoon all, doing some much needed updates and tinkering around a bit. I hope all of you are well!
Winter 2024 / February 25 – Hello, I have one going up this morning, so doing that real quick then taking care of some odds and ends. Happy Sunday.
Winter 2024 / January 31 – Hola everyone, uploading a new creator this morning, before heading off to our sister directory Big Chested Models. I hope you are all well.
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Winter 2022 / December 22 – Hey everyone, just upgrading to version 7 right now, so bear with me for a bit. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and stuff 😉
Fall 2022 / November 10 – Happy Holidays, it’s so crazy, like we’re suddenly thrust into it or something. I have no content creators currently, I’ll see you next time. Hot Busty Models is for busty models on social media with no membership gateway, so the promotionals are free to browse, to explain that.
Fall 2022 / October 18 – Hey all, got a couple of new creators going up this evening. I hope that you are all doing well.
Fall 2022 / September 30 – Ahh yes, the Fall. My favorite holiday in the year. Le sigh. I have 3 new busty content creators going up this morning. I should be done by tonight. Hope you are all well.
Summer 2022 / September 11 – Hey all, I’ve got some new busty creators going up this evening, possibly into tomorrow. Sprucing some things up along the way as well. The “Newly Indexed” are, as you might notice is smaller. I’ve got to start looking at my membership sites, I have so many things going on in that direction. So moving back to the “8 model” update format. While I’m doing that, I’ll be switching all images over to the webp format so this thing will load faster. It’s gonna take a minute. I have over 30k images here. I’ll update with any new news here if I need to.
Summer 2022 / August 23 – Yah so I’m done reskinning this thing, it just looks freaking beautiful doesn’t it? Plus, with the re indexing of this directory being current, all broken links have been fixed, creators offline have been moved to the 404 index, etc. If you’ve surfed this before, the updated thumbs just look terrific don’t they? Please clear your browser cache if this site isn’t blue. The “indexed” count is correct. Sadly, the content count below is current and correct. I’ll be throwing up new busty creators when I swing back by.
Summer 2022 / August 22 – Ok so I have 40 more content creators to reskin, then i’ll update this home page. You know, it’s a trip, indexing all of these women. Not just this site, but my whole network. I should be sending traffic to something like 6000 strong sexy women by Christmas. This is the first time this has happened, what I saw tonight. If someone is slipping away, that’s tragic, if you’re slipping away on social media, it’s just more tragic. I had to pull one content creator tonight because either she’s stopped eating for the past 6 months or she’s a junkie. Horrible. I won’t send traffic to that. Why not go offline, girl? You can see the transformation with her posts, made me sick. I hate this world sometimes, the horror that goes on in it is just fucking appalling to me.
Summer 2022 / August 20 – Long time no see! I am finally here, updating this busty directory to version 6.9. I will be here for the next couple of days, working my butt off, haha. Hot Busty Models is my baby, I’ve missed her. Please clear your cache often for the next couple of days.
Spring 2022 / May 5 – Hey all, just doing some “under the hood ” work. Focusing on my other big tit directories the next couple of seasons, namely Big Chested Models, regardless i’ll be back this fall, searching the net for the “show offs” who aren’t afraid to tease the assets they have. Remember that we only index content creators that do not have membership portals here at Hot Busty Models.
Spring 2022 / March 31 – Good lawdy! I haven’t been around here in a minute. Still the old design huh. I’ll be back later this month though. Processing everything thats going on in the world. It’s Spring, so I’m mulling round ways to fix up my apt for shooting what I want to shoot this summer. There’s “fear in the herd” ya’ll. If you’re still, you can feel it. So just playing some far cry 6 and listening to music. Also with these directories, I mean, they will never truly be finished, will they? The beast < my perversions } will never be satiated. Anyway, I’m putting this on all of my directories. I am going to finish updating Hot Net Babes this evening and finishing the floor in my bathroom, ha.
Winter 2022 / January 19 – Good evening peeps. When adding content creators to our sister site, Big Chested Models, I realized that here and there, I’ve been indexing content creators that belong here, there. So an update tonight it is, of a couple more busty beauties that create busty content for the busty scene online for us to admire and fall in love with. I’m also changing the older image rollovers, and buttons for the content creators indexed before my last version update happened. So everything can be look like the new interface. While doing this, i’ll also update 404 sites for the content creators that have went offline since last year. This is all part of my upcoming 6.5 version update. All of this will take a month or so, i’ll be converting that when I can.
Winter 2022 / January 6 – Hola, adding a couple more busty babes tonight as well as updating the core of the site, which is always a good thing, faster, stronger, etc. I’m in a mad dash to finish my other visual directories, and as I always say, women that show off just for the fun of it is a rare thing on the internets in 2022. So i’ll see ya when I see ya!
Fall 2021 / November 8 – Hey all, well fall really feels like it’s here now. I have new busty creators who model for the fun of it, going up this evening and tomorrow morning. Also we are now in triple digits with the indexing of these busty content creators! Wooot, go Afterdarkkmedia!
Fall 2021 / October 25 – Hola, daddy’s back, haha. I have some content creators going up tonight and tomorrow. I love Halloween Season, this is literally one of my favorite months!
Fall 2021 / October 7 – Hey all, fall is my favorite season, I hope you know. I’ve been working on my directories non stop, since the pandemic began, pretty much. So I’m taking a break for a bit. It also doesn’t help that Far Cry 6 just got released either ;). I’ll be back, please enjoy the busty babes that I’ve indexed so far.
Summer 2021 / September 20 – Hola, got 4 more content creators getting indexed today. I’m really digging the way this network is looking right now. Between all of my busty concepts, I have over 1000 busty models, websites and content creators indexed. If you’re looking for her and she’s got big tits, chances are I have info on her. Lastly, Fall is in 2 days and Fall is my favorite season! Wooooot!
Summer 2021 / September 3 – Hey all, so sorry it’s been awhile since checking in. Been busy, doing to my other directories, what I’m about to do with this one. Ok, redesigning the buttons for all content creators, because I’m an anal fuck like that. Also because adult model platforms can’t really be trusted nowadays, I’m also relinking all busty content creators with their link tree’s, preferably. On the other hand, most of these busty models just love showing off and don’t have OF, Patreon, etc. So I expect to have this done by this evening. Yes this is a version update as well, since I’ve never went through this resorting stuff since I built this busty visual directory. A new ratings system is also in place, please use it! It serves many purposes to dial up more of what you’re looking for. Lastly, the Popular Models side bar has been changed. It’s more efficient, not as pretty, but much faster. So yeah, word, let’s get to it!
Summer 2021 / Aug 9 – Continuing to tidy up a bit. Man, this site is super fast now! Got a couple of new busty content creators I’m featuring this afternoon, please be sure to check them out!
Summer 2021 / July 31 – This redesign is a part of the version 6 update. Carry on..
Summer 2021 / July 27 – Updating to version 6 today, this site takes forwever to load, so I’m really bumping down the modules and images on this page. Think of it as a minimalist approach in my never ending quest to get this page to load in under 3 seconds, at some point.
Summer 2021 / July 6 – Hey all, adding a couple more today as well as going through qued models for addition in the future. Fixing some broken links and i’ll be back in a couple of weeks!
Summer 2021 / July 3 – What up everyone. I’m battling a serious cold …and it’s like freaking summer, wtf? No not covid. Happy 4th and all that stuff. Till next week! Short and sweet this update.
Spring 2021 / June 17 – Well I’m going to go ahead and update this site to version 5.8. I usually wait until my Directories have over 100 sites to fully dress them, but this directory will be there within 2 weeks, so that’s a good thing. Also announcing 2 week updates until I can get the rest of my directories finished. Around the fall, this will be complete and we’ll fall back to our weekly updates! Thank you for your continued patronage, peeps.
Spring 2021 / June 12 – Hey all, just stopping by and adding a model or two. I’m hauling ass on the other big tit directories that I have. I will be updating this one with the new interface, but probably next month sometime, I’m so damn slammed right now. Hope you are all well!
Spring 2021/May 4 – Big, big version update this evening. Let’s see, where to begin. Sidebar positioning is fixed, New “Viral Busty Babes” are now on the top sidebar of all model pages, so you can check out where other surfers have been clicking for the past week. Logo star is fixed, core files are updated, A new footer has been installed, you can now see the total amount of busty models on social media indexed right below “Just Added”. There is a new ratings system under each and every model. 2257 compliance statement has been fixed, going through every model here to see which ones are 404 and which ones are still online. If they are still online, you’ll see a little video teaser area called “gum drops”, cute right? To be honest nowadays, there are many more busty models doing the only fans, many vids, etc, thing. So finding busty women who aren’t monetizing is getting harder and harder to find, if you are wondering about frequency of updates nowadays. I’ll still look for new models you can check out, from week to week.